What Does It Mean To Have A Low-Lying Placenta?

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Placenta Previa

When the placenta lies low in the uterus by either covering the cervix partially or completely, the condition is referred as placenta previa. The placenta may get separated from the uterine wall as the cervix began to dilate during labor.

How common is placenta previa?

Studies reveal that 1 in 200 pregnant women is affected by placenta previa normally in the third trimester of pregnancy. Placenta previa is common for those who have had one or more of the following:

  • A cesarean birth
  • More than one child
  • Surgery on the uterus
  • Twins or triplets

Different types

  • Partial previa: a portion of the cervix is covered by the placenta
  • Complete previa: the cervical opening is completely covered
  • Marginal previa: extends just to the edge of the cervix



Symptoms of placenta previa may vary from person to person, but the most common symptom is painless bleeding during the third trimester.

Other symptoms of placenta previa include:

  • Premature contractions
  • Baby in a transverse position
  • Uterus measures larger than it should according to gestational age


Once if placenta previa is diagnosed, the mother is usually recommended to take bed rest and to undergo frequent hospital visits. Depending on the gestational age, steroid shots may be given to help mature the baby’s lungs. If an uncontrollable bleeding occurs, an immediate cesarean delivery is usually done regardless of the length of the pregnancy. In some cases of marginal previas vaginal delivery is made possible, however complete or partial previas normally require a cesarean delivery.

Women who experience placenta previa should:

  • Avoid intercourse
  • Limit traveling
  • Avoid pelvic exams

Causes of placenta previa

Unfortunately, the exact cause of placenta previa is unknown. However, the following reasons are considered to increase the risk during pregnancy:

  • If the gestational age has crossed 35
  • Had more than four pregnancies
  • Have a history of uterine surgery

How to cope up with placenta previa?

The women who has diagnosed for placenta previa require help from support group during different stages of their bed rest to avoid any sorts of difficulty.