Early signs of pregnancy

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If you want to know whether you are pregnant or not, you can easily understand it by looking at some of the early signs. For some women, early signs of pregnancy show up a week or two after missing their periods. As a matter of fact, nearly 7 out of 10 women show early pregnancy indications by the time they’re just six weeks.

Do you keep track of your menstrual cycle? If not, then you might as well not know when to expect your next period. But if you begin to experience some of the early pregnancy signs and you perhaps think why you haven’t gotten your period, the then chances are that you are pregnant.

So, if you want to make sure that you are pregnant, then read more to find out the early symptoms of pregnancy.

Spotting and Cramping

After you conceive, the fertilised egg will attach itself to the uterine wall. This can produce one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, which is spotting and, sometimes, cramping comes along with it. This is known as the implantation bleeding. It may occur between six to 12 days after the egg is fertilised.

Food aversions

Another early sign of pregnancy is an aversion towards certain food. Some women might feel aversion towards various smells of foods. Some other might have an aversion towards the taste. This could be because of the increasing amounts of oestrogen in the system.

Breast Changes

This is one notable change that you might notice when you are pregnant. After the conception, the hormone level in the women tend to change rapidly. Because of the changes, the breasts may become swollen, sore, or perhaps tingly a week or two later. In some cases, they may feel fuller or heavier or just feel tender to the touch. The Areola, which is the area around the nipples, may also darken.

Mood swings

When you are pregnant, you will have a lot of hormonal changes, and this can affect the neurotransmitters (which are the chemical messengers in the brain), thus giving you mood swings. Not all respond similarly to these changes. There might be some women who have heightened emotions which involve both good and bad. While some others might get more depressed and stressed.


This is the time when you might suddenly feel exhausted. This might be because of the increasing hormones in your body. For most of the women, tiredness continues through the first trimester, and it may end in the second trimester.


Not every woman have morning sickness in the beginning. Some have it only a month or two after conception. Moreover, this need not occur in the morning itself. Pregnancy-related nausea (with or without vomiting) can occur in the morning, evening or even night.

Frequent Urination

If all of a sudden, you find yourself not being able to sleep through the night without going to the loo, then you can mark it as a sign. During pregnancy, your body tends to produce extra fluids, which will make your bladder work overtime—and hence force you to take pee-breaks.


A headache is one early sign of pregnancy, which occurs due to the change in the hormones.

A skipped period

If you’re rather regular and you do not get your period on time, then you may think of doing a pregnancy test before you find any of the above symptoms. However, if you’re not regular and is not keeping track of your cycle, then queasiness and breast tenderness may signal pregnancy.


Backaches is yet another symptom that you are likely to notice during the early stage of the pregnancy. And this might even continue till your delivery since your body tends to gain weight and the centre of gravity tends to shift.

Abdominal bloating

During the early pregnancy period, you might feel bloated because of the hormonal changes in your body. This bloating is similar to the ones that women have just before their period.

Constipation. During pregnancy, increased levels of the hormone progesterone can lead to constipation. Progesterone makes food to pass more gradually through your intestines. To reduce the problem, you need to drink plenty of water, exercise moderately, and consume plenty of high-fibre foods.

Dizziness or Fainting

When you are pregnant, you are likely to feel dizzy, and that may be related to the dilating blood vessels, lower blood sugar and lower blood pressure. Hence you should make sure that you eat enough and also drink plenty of water.

High basal body temperature

Have you been charting your basal temperature? If you have, then you might have noticed that it has stayed elevated for 18 days at a stretch. This could probably mean that you are pregnant.

Shortness of Breath


Another early symptom of pregnancy is getting short of breath while going up the stairs. It might be because of the growing foetus which also needs oxygen, thus leaving you a little short.


Positive Pregnancy Test

Pee-stick test is one test that will help you confirm whether you are a mama-to-be or not. If during the test, you get a negative result and still do not get your period, then it might just be because it is too early for the test to determine. So, you need to wait for a few while and then carry out the test. If it turns out to be positive, then congrats!

A pregnant woman may or may not have all of these symptoms. Sometimes they might have only one or two of these symptoms. However, you should make sure that you talk to your doctor if you find any of these symptoms to be bothering you.