The chill and fever you get during pregnancy

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It is said that you are having if your body temperature shoots above the normal limit of 98.6° F. As they might indicate several underlying conditions, the fever and chills you get during pregnancy are not considered normal. While carrying there are plenty of ways to treat a fever before it can harm you or your baby. During pregnancy, running can be dangerous. Take appropriate measures to get your fever reduced as soon as you can.

What is fever during pregnancy?

The signs of fever will alway be the same, no matter you are pregnant or not which includes- chills, sweating, headache, dehydration, fatigue, sore throat, high temperature and muscle aches. According to the theory, an increased core temperature can lead to spina bifida which is a neural tube defect. It doesn’t really matter whether the dip in the hot tub or increased temperature caused it.

Causes of fever and chills in pregnancy

Even though the hormones are more likely to make you warm and sweaty, but some women may feel the opposite. Along with the other symptoms, there are various infections and health conditions that might lead to raised body temperature. This covers a stomach bug, common cold and influenza. During pregnancy, the diagnosed thyroid problems may also cause the chills whereas some more serious issues cover many infections.

  • Influenza
  • Common Cold
  • Cholecystitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Chorioamnionitis
  • Septic Abortion
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Q-fever
  • Gastrointestinal Virus
  • Amebiasis
  • Hepatitis A/B
  • Typhoid
  • Listeria
  • Rubella
  • Abscesses (hepatic, pelvic, cerebral)
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Scarlet fever

When to go to the doctor?

You should see your doctor if your fever doesn’t go away in 24 to 36 hours. And also do not ignore any of these signs with your fever such as nausea, a rash, contractions or abdominal pain.

What should I do to treat my fever during pregnancy?

Well, firstly, it is always recommended that you consult a doctor before you try any natural remedies or treatments. It is most important that you understand the reason behind your unexplained chills and mild fever. Depending on the condition and its severity, the treatment may vary. Normally, Low-grade fevers often go away on their own, so it is not a serious thing to worry about.

While you’re pregnant, it is perfectly okay that you take acetaminophen (Tylenol). In case you are worried about taking this medicine, know the fact that, if your baby was born today and he got a mild fever, and the doctors will be giving him Tylenol. Plus your liver will be the one who is metabolising the medicine leaving only a wee bit of it for your baby. Run it past your doctor if you’re unsure of how much to take and make sure you take it according to the instructions on the package.

Its a big no-no for ibuprofen (Advil). Majority doctors suggest that you stay away from NSAIDs(ibuprofen) because they affect the cardiovascular system later on during your pregnancy.

Home remedies and tips to handle your low-grade fever

Do Take a lot of fluids to keep your body hydrated. As getting overheated might harm the foetus so try to stay cool. Stay as long as you want in bed, take a lot of rest.

Try pressing a cold compress to your forehead to lessen the temperature.

Comfort yourself: Soothe your pains and aches the old way: Chicken soup for the sinuses, soul and throat. Also, any food that makes you feel better. Some of the comforting meal for you and your baby are hot oatmeal, English muffins, mashed potatoes, rice, plain pasta, applesauce, Scrambled eggs.

Drink up: For the time being, let us stick to the fact that liquids are crucial than solids. More importantly, if you keep losing due to fever, diarrhoea, vomiting or a runny nose. I would say aim for at least a cup per hour. Make sure you keep a thermos all filled with diluted warm juice, hot decaffeinated tea or broth on your bedside as a hot beverage will sooth your sore throat. Consider sucking on Popsicles, rehydration fluid or ice chips if you find your tummy tripping.

The most potent healer is vitamin C so consider laying it in the form of vegetables, juices or C-rich fruits. I would rather not recommend vitamin c supplement unless your practitioner recommends it. If your stomach does not appreciate the citrus try less acidic choices like white grape juice, cantaloupe or honeydew, a mango or papaya that is C fortified.
Does a fever in pregnancy harm your baby?

The growth of your baby may be hampered if you get a fever over an extended period especially in the first and early trimesters. Which may lead to several birth defects including cataracts, heart anomalies, central nervous system or neural tube defects and also abdominal wall defects.